A Video That I Prepared Just For You

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I want to talk to you about Product Creation: Designing, creating, and publishing your own original digital product from scratch.

I realize that this is controversial issue, and that you might close the video already after hearing what the subject is.

I can understand why many feel that way, and I want to explain to you why that is. This is my humble opinion, but I think that this is the truth.

It all starts with P-L-R licensing. Private Label Rights.

PLR is v e r y popular nowadays. You purchase a product for like $12 or $17 or whatever, and you purchase it with the rights to edit the content, to brand the content, to call yourself the author.

There is a whole business model of buying and editing PLR material. PLR is very very popular.

Now, selling PLR comes with a pitch, a mantra. And I am sure that you have heard this pitch so many times, that it is already ingrained into your soul as the absolute truth. It goes like this:

"Hey there, we all know how important owning your own product is for an internet marketer. In fact, without your own product, you're dead before you start.

So you have two options - you can build your own product, which experience dictates will take you at least two years at the minimum, and cost you an investment of somewhere in the area of $20,000, with research, and graphics, programming, and consultations.

Or, you can buy a complete package already made, done for you,
where all of the market research has been done for you,
and all of the writing has been done for you,
and all of the graphics has been done for you,
and all of the programming has been done for you.
A complete package the way it is, all you need to do is to put your name on it, upload it, sell it, and put the money into your bank account.

So what do you prefer: To do all of the work, all of the sweat, all of the trial and error, all of the investment, and to waste all of your precious time?

Or would you like to buy the same thing, have it ready to work for you today, for the price of a pizza? Sounds like a no-brainer to me..."

That's how the PLR sellers speak.

Listen to me, this is BS, it's not true, it's "fake news".

At the best, it's talking to someone with zero experience or training in Product Creation.

But if you can get trained in Product Creation, it doesn't take anywhere near 2 years, and it doesn't cost anywhere near $20,000, it doesn't even have to cost more than $500. I know, I've done it.

If you have someone good to teach you, to provide you with a step-by-step plan with each step itself broken up into bite-size chunks. Say a teacher with over a decade of specializing in teaching students Product Creation. With a complete "how to" course which covers everything from soup to nuts. Where all of the techy steps (and the non-techy steps also) are shown to you exactly what you have to do in short videos of 3-4 minutes.

Can you see how that can change the story?

Well, there is such a teacher, and there is such a course. His name is John Thornhill, and his course is called Partnership to Success. I've been through this course. I created my own digital product in his course. Video Editing Mastery.

But it is not about this course that I am writing to you today.

John gives a no-cost webinar where he shows you everything that you need to know, all of the steps, so that you can create your own digital product yourself.

My interest in your viewing this webinar is in order to break the ice, I want to convince you that Product Creation doesn't have to be "not for me". It is very doable, and I want you to see that.

Before I entered Partnership to Success I was also amongst those who said, "nah, it's impossible." So I'm letting you know today that I did it. It's very possible.

I would like to see you with Product Creation as something that you would like to get to some day, not as something that is completely not on the agenda.

I'm asking for an hour of your time, for your sake.

Here, this is the signup page for the webinar:

Signup Page For John Thornhill's Product Creation Webinar

Take the click, get a pen and paper in your hand, clear your head from any pre-dispositions, and prepare yourself to see new ideas.

All the best,

Alan Abelove